Steve King: 'Child Immigrants Know What They're Doing' Entering US Illegally

Iowa Republican Steve King strikes again, showing how Republicans have a serious empathy deficit.

We can always count on Iowa's Representative Steve King to be completely unsympathetic to the plight of immigrants, especially those of Hispanic descent. Even Trump expressed, perhaps temporarily as is often the case, that he'd be far more lenient than the man who coined the term Cantaloupe Calves.

On CNN's "New Day," he was asked about his party's new head-tyrant and the policy stances he is formulating during this transition. He commented on a few other matters, and then the topic turned to Trump's change of heart on amnesty. He truly believes his opinion that

many of the children covered under Obama's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program are walking across the border on their own.

King, once again, made it abundantly clear that he is very against any amnesty, even if espoused by the new president-elect.

ALISYN CAMEROTA: I want to read to you what president-elect Donald Trump said in an interview to Time magazine yesterday because it's different than what you're describing. He says we're going to work something out that's going to make people happy and proud. They were brought here at a very young age they've worked here, they've gone to school here, some are good students, some have wonderful jobs and they're in never-never land because they don't know what's going to happen. That sounds like he is not going to cancel DACA, the executive order of President Obama. That sounds like he is sympathetic to their cause.

The Iowa GOP wingnut couldn't resist the opportunity to sound like a selfish jerk.

Well, I was hoping he would say, 'we're going to do something that makes Steve King happy, but I didn't hear that.

He expressed his displeasure with Trump's softening on the idea of keeping these people in this country. King's rationale, like most of his opinions, was typically appalling.

KING: Well among all of these DREAMers, there are some awfully bad people and these DREAMers go out of to the way age of 37 or 38 or maybe older; and that's if they tell the truth.

CAMEROTA: What's your example of there being terrible DREAMers.

Rep. King speaks of the time he's spent at the border where he's "seen," some things. 'They're hauling an average of about sixty-five pounds (of marijuana) and some of them every day, they take another load.' Alisyn asks him to hypothetically consider children, age ten and under, and those who are leading productive, decent lives here. The insensitivity is galling.

KING: They know what they're doing it's not against their will and they came here to live in the shadows. So if we enforce the law and they live in the shadows that's what they came here to do.

So what should Trump do if he wants to maintain his latest position on DACA? King believes that Congress is KING of course, forgetting that in a dictatorship, he will likely become obsolete. He explains what Trump should do.

KING: ...that is the law and if he's going to change that he needs to come to Congress and ask us to change the law. But I don't think you get that ask, unless you first enforce the law that you've secured the border. And so what wherever this does to our hearts and it tugs on mine too, but the most important thing is to restore the respect for the rule of law and we fail to do that if we reward people for breaking it... I worked thirty years to try to restore the respect for the rule of law because of Ronald Reagan's amnesty in 1986 and I don't want to let this go because somebody's heart got a little softer than it was before the election.

Oh. My. God. Donald Trump's heart is a little too soft? Remember that enforcing the rule of law was the justification for the atrocities of another regime, unbeknownst to so many who don't care to learn the lessons of history.

Steve King is a willing participant in legalizing only heaven-knows-what he is given by the new Executive Branch. It's hard to not break Godwin's Law here, but we can't forget the tyranny of the Hitler nightmare ultimately changed the world, and not for the better.

By the time he was defeated, he had broken down the whole structure of the world in which he lived, destroyed millions of people, and inaugurated a new era with even greater potentialities of power and destruction.

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