Hillary Clinton On Fake News: 'Real Lives Are At Stake'

And "Fake News" Pushback, led by Infowars, is Hypocritical and Evil

We need to get back to facts.

Yesterday in her speech at the Harry Reid tribute, Hillary Clinton reminded us that "fake news," in this case the Pizzagate Lies, has endangered lives of average Americans.

We learn this morning that the Comet Ping Pong Pizza parlor in DC has a GoFundMe to provide security for their place of business. If ever there was a case for libel against media outlets who reported this garbage without pointing out its falsity? They have one.

And now the pushback on the right begins, with those promoting Pizzagate and other fake news playing the games of "how dare you smear me with the 'fake news' label," and of course the "I know you are but what am I?" baloney.

The whole purpose of fake news this year was to smear Hillary Clinton and her staff. That is all. And now they don't want to be smeared by hearing the words "fake news" said about them? Poor babies.

And of course InfoWars is publishing a list of sites they think are "fake news" because they are farking lying kindergarteners. AND they're doing a petition (email collection scam) to ask Trump to defend "independent media."

Congratulations to Wonkette and Little Green Footballs for making the list. Why wasn't Crooks and Liars included? We say the poll was RIGGED!

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