McCrory Is Having Citizens Arrested For Protesting His Disgusting Coup In NC

Taking a page out of the Trump Authoritarian Playbook, McCrory is having peaceful protestors arrested in NC.

McCrory Is Having Citizens Arrested For Protesting His Disgusting Coup In NC

Pat McCrory and his GOP cronies in North Carolina pushed through an insane amount of bills in the last 24 hours with one goal in mind - to limit the power of the incoming Democratic Governor, Roy Cooper. The whole thing is one big power grab and a giant temper tantrum because McCrory lost. Waa waa.

Well, tonight things have taken a nasty turn. Following this coup, protestors have descended upon the North Carolina State House. The New Civil Rights Movement has an excellent post with details about exactly what is going on. Some of what they are posting:

Chapel Hill council person was arrested:

Media is being kicked out:

Here is a video of a school teacher being arrested:

More about the report arrested:

This is just a glimpse of what is to come with Trump. The GOP are emboldened to take absolutely insane steps to try to strip any Democrat from their rights. Be aware, this will start happening everywhere. Gerrymandering, voter suppression, stripping women and immigrants of their rights. Slowly they will sneak laws in during these late night sessions and by the time the public is aware, it will be too late. Protests will lead to arrests, voices silenced.

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