Michael Moore To Trump: Another 9/11? Is On You

Michael Moore looks right at the camera and let's the President-elect know that refusing security briefings puts America at risk.

Michael Moore wins today's Don't Sugarcoat It award:

This man is not attending to national security briefings. On a daily basis, he should be going to these. I showed in my film, a picture of George W. Bush on August 6, 2001. It says "Bin Laden determined to strike in the US." ...with planes! And he goes fishing for the rest of the day and doesn't leave the Crawford ranch for the next three or four weeks. Bush was asleep at the wheel in the month before 9/11. We've got a President-elect who doesn't even want to get behind the wheel. This is actually worse.

If something happens in the early months of his administration, and it turns out that he didn't know anything, because he didn't show up, because he didn't read anything,
because he just appointed other people to read his mail for him, these are the national security briefings. If that happens, Lawrence, and he then uses that event to take away our Constitutional rights, to do something the Patriot Act wouldn't even think of doing back then, you and I, me, at least, somebody, this show, hopefully somebody will have the courage to let me or others say, yes, whoever committed this new atrocity, they're the ones responsible for it, the terrorists who did it. But there is a responsibility of the Commander in Chief, who is derelict in his duty, because he didn't do the most important thing a President has to do every day, is get up, talk to his national security people and say who wants to kill us today? And what are we doing about it?

If he continues to ignore that and we are attacked, we have got do come together and say this man cannot be at the helm of this ship. That has to end right there. And we have to get somebody in there. He has to resign. He has to be impeached, whatever. So let me just say that. Does he watch this show?


MOORE: He wrote you a check for your charity.

O'DONNELL: Yes, he's tweeted.

MOORE (To the camera): Well, Donald, show up tomorrow morning, because you see, people like me aren't going to forget that you didn't get behind the wheel. You didn't care about our national security. That's not going, that's not going to sit well with our fellow Americans on the day after we start to bury our fellow Americans, because you refused to do your job. I swear to God, I hope people will take this in the right vein and that we, and the electors, if any of them are watching, you're putting us in danger by putting Donald Trump into office. You don't have to put Hillary in, I realize we're not going to convince any Republicans, electors, to go for Hillary, but don't do this to us, don't do this. Don't do this to us. It's too dangerous, and your fellow Americans will thank you if you do not appoint him as President this coming Monday. We only need 37 of them to have a profile in courage moment. I'm hoping beyond hope, I know it's a hail Mary pass, but man, stranger things have happened his year.

O'DONNELL: You've made your case. Michael Moore, thank you very much. ...

Good to warn him now, but if and when, God forbid, that happens? You know Fox News and the Republican noise machine will roll over you and any concerned citizens just like they did in 2002-3. And CNN and MSNBC will roll over too, as war is great for ratings. We'll be labelled traitors and un-American again. And to think that we have to depend on Mike Pence to tell Donald Trump if something "important" comes up in the National Security Briefing. The mind reels.

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