Mike Huckabee Calls Utterly Unqualified Dr. Ben Carson ‘A Terrific Choice’ For HUD Secretary

Fox News contributor Mike Huckabee agrees with Dr. Ben Carson, a former Fox contributor, that his childhood in the inner city makes him totally qualified to be the secretary of the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Fox News contributor Mike Huckabee agrees with Dr. Ben Carson, a former Fox contributor, that his childhood in the inner city makes him totally qualified to be the secretary of the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Appearing on Fox today, Huckabee suggested that just having the right attitude about poor people (and we know what ethnic group he’s thinking of) is all that’s required for the job:

HUCKABEE: He brings to it a personal story of having grown up in a tough neighborhood, growing up as one of numerous children to a single mom who had to raise them but who insisted they get a good education, who understands the value of housing and neighborhoods and how that affects a person growing up.

I think it’s a great choice. Look, Ben Carson is a brilliant man. I mean, people need to remember that this is a guy who, before all the political people started piling on him, had been awarded by about every national and international organization in the world, including the NAACP for his humanitarian efforts. I think he’s a terrific choice.

Carson may be brilliant (though he acts like the world’s dumbest brain surgeon) but that doesn’t mean he’s fit to run a big federal department in a field of public policy he knows nothing about.

But host Martha MacCallum didn’t challenge a word Huckabee said. Nor did she seem to consider that people who live in inner cities or otherwise need HUD might take this nomination as a huge slap in the face. Instead, she helped validate Huckabee’s praise. MacCallum even worked in some praise for Donald Trump for nominating Carson.

MACCALLUM: I think in many ways, the second part of his new title, “urban development,” is one that he will do broadly, as you have just pointed out. And I think that a lot of people in this country wanted him to have a voice in this administration. And I think it also speaks interestingly to Mr. Trump because he was reluctant, it appeared, Ben Carson, to take an official role.

Huckabee went on to argue that Carson's "experience" proves Trump cares about urban America. Even though I suspect most urban Americans will think it proves the opposite.

HUCKABEE: Ben Carson will bring a real perspective and nobody’s gonna be able to say, “Well, Ben, you don’t understand what it’s like growing up in an urban environment. You just don’t get it.” He gets it alright and I think he’s going to be a silencer to many of the critics who otherwise would try to say that this administration isn’t going to live up to the promises for a true sense of looking at the problems in urban America. Donald Trump has promised it, people believed him, he’s gonna deliver.

As if Trump couldn’t find anyone who both grew up in an urban environment and was qualified.

Watch the disrespect to inner city residents above, from the December 5, 2016 America’s Newsroom.

Crossposted at News Hounds.
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