Ministry Of Propaganda: Dick Cheney Tells CNN 'We Don't Need You Guys Anymore' Because Trump Has Twitter

Former Vice President Dick Cheney recently suggested President-elect Donald Trump’s social media skills meant that the American people no longer needed the news media.

Former Vice President Dick Cheney recently suggested President-elect Donald Trump’s social media skills meant that the American people no longer needed the news media.

At the Reagan National Defense Forum, CNN’s Barbara Starr asked the former vice president if Trump’s casual tone on Twitter was dangerous.

“I do think you need to be careful,” Cheney admitted. “But he’ll learn as he goes along. I think he is putting some brains and good people with him. I am a big fan of [Vice President-elect] Mike Pence.”

“I think one of the reasons people get so concerned about the tweets is it’s sort of a way around the press,” he said. “It’s modern era, modern technology. He’s at the point where we don’t need you guys anymore.”

Pausing a moment for audience laughter, Cheney added: “I apologize.”

Watch the video above, broadcast Dec. 4, 2016.

(h/t: Real Clear Politics)

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