O’Reilly Launches His Christmas 'Clean-Up Operation’ To Make Meanness The Reason For The Season

It’s the holiday season and that means one thing to Bill O’Reilly: put on your grinchiest hat and start acting like Joseph McCarthy. In the name of Jesus.

It’s the holiday season and that means one thing to Bill O’Reilly: put on your grinchiest hat and start acting like Joseph McCarthy. In the name of Jesus.

You may recall that in 2014, Armchair General O’Reilly declared victory in the War on Christmas and he took full credit.

But, apparently, there are still a few hot spots that are not getting that the reason for the season is to subjugate everyone to O’Reilly’s Christian spirit - and to smear, mock and malign those who don’t see it that way.

Last night, O’Reilly took some time to fondly reminisce about his war years during his Talking Points commentary:

O’REILLY: For me, it was interesting to go through that because some on the far left actually denied there was any controversy at all, that I fabricated it. More lies from a crew that is incapable of telling the truth.

The above was said with a merry twinkle in O’Reilly’s eyes.

O’Reilly went on to tout a “naughty or nice list” from the right-wing extremist American Family Association. In best-witch hunt fashion, O’Reilly rattled off the names of companies from each list. “According to the AFA, those companies are not in the Christmas spirit,” O’Reilly said, without a trace of irony.

And what would meanness in the name of Jesus be without America’s Top Whining Bully (and O’Reilly BFF) Donald Trump? O’Reilly crowed that list is “kind of bad news” for the naughty ones because President-elect Trump is now “on the case.”

We saw a clip of “I can’t be bothered with daily intelligence briefings” Trump threatening stores that don’t say “Merry Christmas.”

TRUMP: How about all those department stores they have the bells and they have the red walls and they have the snow but they don’t have Merry Christmas. I think they’re going to start putting up Merry Christmas.

“Or they will be deported,” O’Reilly quipped.

Yeah, that’s hilarious, especially for those people fearing their families will be ripped apart under a Trump presidency.

Of course, O’Reilly gave President-Elect Pathological Liar a pass for his Christmas treason:

O’Reilly continued by explaining, “Since the war has basically been won, this is a clean-up operation.” He also suggested that saying, “Happy holidays” is an insult:

O’REILLY: Many Americans celebrate Christmas because they believe that Jesus is the savior and his birth should be honored. And because it’s a federal holiday, there is no reason to diminish Christmas or insult those who believe in it. Don’t like Christmas? Ignore it.

But if you don’t like “Happy holidays,” you should throw a fit!

Meanwhile, O’Reilly claimed, with unintentional humor, “As for Talking Points, we’re just happy that most Americans see Christmas as a positive experience. And we’re happy we could contribute to that.

For a little more “positive experience,” O’Reilly brought on “retail analyst” Hitha Herzog. She’s either angling to become a paid contributor or just a natural Scrooge.

HERZOG: I don’t know why Lowe’s is on that "nice" list. I was just in a Lowe’s. It was such a mess trying to get a Christmas tree. No one greeted me with “Merry Christmas.”

Herzog also complained that the AFA was not thorough enough in its examination of “Merry Christmas” sayers because it did not go beyond its home base of Tupelo.

O’Reilly countered that one can check the print ads to see if they say “Merry Christmas.” “That’s how I do it," he clued us in.

Another O’Reilly: McCarthy Christmas tip:

O’REILLY: If somebody says “Happy holidays” to me, I’ll say, “Oh, um, are you allowed to say ‘Merry Christmas?’ I’ll ask ‘em. And if they look around and go “No, we’re not supposed to,’ I’m outta there. I’m outta there.

O’Reilly later boasted about the effectiveness of his “brutal” and “ruthless” campaign to force stores to be less inclusive: “Every single one of ‘em caved and started to say ‘Merry Christmas.’”

Congratulations, Bill. I don’t know about Jesus but I’ll bet fascists everywhere will applaud you.

Watch the authoritarianism in the name of Christ above, from the December 13, 2016 The O’Reilly Factor.

Crossposted at News Hounds.
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