Olbermann: Trump's Cabinet More Evil Than 'Batman Villains'

Olbermann on "The Resistance," breaks down the horrific members who comprise "Idiot-elect's" Cabinet

When you want your frustration and fear verbalized with the same passion that you have about the formation of Mango Mussolini's Cabinet, you turn to Keith Olbermann. "The Resistance" is a production from GQ that provides excellent commentary on the latest appalling developments from Deplorable Donny Tic Tac.

OLBERMANN: the incoming Cabinet and White House staff of the idiot elect is so collectively and individually nefarious, so reeking of financial corruption and moral decay...

We literally have to compare this again, to use John Cleese line this crew of a governmental pirate ship to Batman villains, ALL Batman villains, ALL OF THEM.

(These are) the denizens, of what the filmmakers dubbed United underworld let's meet them and let's dub them Citizens United underworld

He too noticed that every single cabinet member seems to be the person who would destroy the institution that they are supposed to lead. James Mattis, the least offensive of the bunch is also on the board of General Dynamics, so the Secretary of Defense has a stake in making sure the taxpayers fund some sort of war. No big deal, right?

Secretary of Education nominee, Betsy DeVos hates public education and wants to make secular schools religious while HHS nominee and surgeon, Tom Price is an anti-vaxxer who despises the idea of poor people getting healthcare, a.k.a. Obamacare. The EPA Secretary nominee Scott Pruitt is anti-EPA, and hails from the fracking and drilling capital of Earth, Oklahoma. Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions, the AG nominee is a very well-known racist, as is Steve Bannon. KellyAnne Conway doesn't seem to be disappearing as quickly as we'd all like either.

He makes a point of how quickly his supporters forget about all the accusations of corruption and Wall Street servitude that were directed at the popular vote victor, Hillary Clinton. Remember the GOP Primary, when we heard cries of outrage because Ted's wife, Heidi Cruz worked at Goldman Sachs? Trump supporters have a short memory because a few key members of his own cabinet, Steve Mnuchin and Gary Cohn are actual Goldman Sachs guys. They will be doing the bidding of Wall Street and have absolutely no shame about blatantly ignoring the financial well-being of the majority of Americans. Sheriff Clarke, Wilbur Ross, KT McFarland, Gov. Brewer were also mentioned for their atrocious 'qualifications.'

Finally, he dissects both General Flynn and his son, Michael for their dangerous penchant for spreading of fake news. Olbermann names Flynn the guy who tells Trump when to start blowing things up. The Pizzagate incident and subsequent almost tragic shooting that followed was legitimized by the future NSA director.

After that incident, his (Flynn's) son tweeted that paranoid fantasy that set all this off had not yet been proven to be false and thus would remain a story and Flynn's son, by the way is not just some random idiot. He has an official dot-gov email as part of the Trump transition team. General Flynn and his idiot son have no business in any government except perhaps that of North Korea. But therein lies the problem with the Batman villains of the Trump administration.

The horrors will continue, but at least, Keith will keep posting these. Subscribe here if you enjoy his take on the frightening new GOP executive team and need someone to help keep you sane.

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