Rachel Maddow On Late Night: Trump Is Terrified Of Windmills!

And if another country can trade windmills for US policy favors? Watch out.

Rachel Maddow was on with Seth Meyers last night, and used Donald Trump's irrational fear of windmills to make it easy for average Americans to understand conflict of interest.

Yes, Donald Trump hates windmills.

Credit: Frances Langum (@bluegal)

"The wind is his Kryptonite," said Meyers.

But Maddow had a serious point to make about how something that silly could have international implications.

"There are windmills that are near, or were going to be near, his golf course in Scotland," she explained. "So, he doesn't like the windmills, he can't stop talking about the windmills, he's fixated on them. While talking to British politicians after he won the presidency he brought up the windmills to them."

No, really. He did.

Of course he did.

"That's hilarious if you think of it as just his phobia, but now that he's going to be president, this seems weird, but Scotland could come to him, the U.K. could come to him and be like 'Listen, Donald, we know you really care about the windmills, and you think that's a very important thing for your business, we'll get rid of the windmills if you do this thing for our country, which the United States doesn't want to do, it's not good for the country, but we want that from you as president, and we'll give you this private benefit instead.'"

And what she didn't say is, we know he'd take that deal.

We're so screwed.

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