Reports: Trump Campaign Is Threatening Electors To Vote For Him Or Else

Trump is already sounding like an authoritarian leader - threatening "political reprisals" if they don't fall in line.

Donald Trump is diving right into the role of authoritarian leader and he hasn't even been certified by the Electoral College. How, do you ask? Well, he is levying threats against the GOP electors, which sounds an awful lot like something the mob would do.... "If you don't do as I say, I'll break your kneecaps."

Salon reports that the Trump goons are contacting the GOP electors one by one and threatening them with "political reprisal" if they dare consider voting against the Fuhrer.

They sound scared.

The source called Salon but wished to remain anonymous. The elector said:

“We have gotten reports from multiple people that the Donald Trump campaign is putting pressure on Republican electors to vote for him based on . . . future political outcomes based on whether they vote for Donald Trump or not.”

If this doesn't push electors to vote for anyone but Trump, I don't know what will. Between Russia, hacking, refusal to divest his businesses, today's bombshell about Turkey, refusal to release taxes, sexual assault, etc, I don't know what will.

The Trump campaign is literally THREATENING the electors. This is not how government works, at least not how it works in America. This is how government works in Russia, North Korea, Iran, etc. Go against the government, you suffer the consequences.

The elector did say that they weren't threatened with actual violence, but reprisals. “It’s all political, basically. If Trump becomes the president, he’s going to be able to put pressure on the state parties and they won’t be involved anymore.”

Seems like Trump and his cronies are scared that the keys to the White House may literally be yanked from Trump's tiny little toddler hands next week, an outcome that many of us wish would happen, but have accepted is unlikely.

Anything is possible and there is a strong push by the Hamilton Electors to unify behind the moderate Republican John Kasich. If Trump doesn't get the 270 electors necessary, the vote would go to the House of Representatives which may be more likely to back away from Trump after this weeks continued torrent of bombshells regarding Russia.

Again, this is not a likely outcome. But Trump is clearly scared. Let's see if he starts angry-tweeting threats at the electors. That may actually hurt him more than help him. Most people do not respond well to threats and demands.

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