Rick Perry: Trump's Secretary Of Energy? The Swamp Is Full! *UPDATED

It's comforting to know a Dancing With The Stars contestant is in charge of nuclear weapons too. Oops.

Remember how we mimicked the preposterous Republican clown car during the primaries? Well, thanks to myriad sources of sabotage to our demoracy and elections, that car has evolved into our next cabinet. The car is now the Insane Clown Posse, and no one exemplifies that more than the latest Trump cabinet nominee for Secretary of Energy, former Texas Governor Rick Perry.

The mainstream media is normalizing this as if we should all be comfortable with this man in charge of the Department of Energy, which includes America's nuclear arsenal. So relax and keep calm. The purportedly non-partisan Amy Walter thinks this is all fine and dandy, and there's no reason for concern.

But she did forget a very critical aspect of the cabinet position.

Amy is dead 'serous.'

But here's the painful reality:

It's not as if Perry and Trump have been fast friends for ages, as the primary debates elucidated. Perry is another one who has sold out to this man for a position of power, forgetting his own 'convictions.' From the video above:

Perry famously once forgot to mention the energy department when asked to name a department he would abolish. Perry a rival of Trump's during the Republican presidential nominating campaign, met with Trump for about 90 minutes yesterday at Trump Tower in New York.

Perry dropped out of the race and endorsed Senator Ted Cruz, a fellow Texan before he left the race, he denounced Trump's candidacy as "a cancer on conservatism" and criticized Trump himself as "a barking carnival act."

Since we're no longer participating in press conferences, once again, we'll turn to Twitter for the real story. Thanks to Judd Legum.


It turns out, another immoral conflict of interest exists with Rick Perry as the Secretary of Energy, which is the only consistent aspect of Donald Trump's picks: they are openly and abjectly corrupt.

Rick Perry is on the board of directors of Texas corporation, Energy Transfers Partners, who are building the Dakota Access Pipeline. Mother Jones reports:

Perry joined ETP in February 2015, shortly after he left the governor's office. As Mother Jones reported last summer, he kept his spot on the company's board even as he launched a presidential campaign. According to SEC filings, ETP paid Perry $236,820 in 2015. In the past, Perry's business entanglements would have represented an unusual conflict of interest for a presidential candidate, but in this election cycle, they were overshadowed by Trump's massive web of conflicts.

This is more of the tennis ball machine strategy that Trump uses so well. He can bombard us with insane acts of unorthodox 'governing,' in rapid fire sequence, so we turn our focus away from the really big, important transgressions he makes almost on an hourly basis.

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