Rob Reiner: A Hostile Foreign Power Has Invaded The U.S.

Let's pretend Hillary won with the help of a hostile foreign tyrant. Odds that GOP quickly surrendered? ZERO

Today's the day! Its the day the electoral college formally casts their votes for POTUS, and 99% of the time, they vote with their party. It's essentially hopeless that the Faithful Electors will do their job and seriously consider acting against the insanity that surrounded this 'election,' and at least find someone else to put in the White House. Pence or any other Republican, who have shown themselves devoid of ethics, morals, scruples or human decency, give me the creeps, but they are better than this 'Small-fingered vulgarian.'

Imminently unqualified for this position, completely unhinged mentally and emotionally and unbelievably corrupt, Trump is the very person the electoral college was designed to stop from taking the reins of power.

The Electoral College was, in part, created to thwart "the desire in foreign powers to gain an improper ascendant in our councils," in the words of Alexander Hamilton.

For Heaven's sake! This is a boast from 2013 that Trump felt compelled to tweet:

Rob Reiner, Hollywood director, likely spoke directly to you in this clip:

REINER: I had a conversation with some very high up people in in the Republican Party and they said if if Donald Trump, had won the popular vote by almost 3 million votes (as Hillary Clinton did) and there was a Russian intrusion into the election process? They'd have elected officials blanketing the airwaves, they'd have surrogates out there screaming their heads off and we're, well we just sit there and ho-hum. Meanwhile, we have had an attack! We've been invaded by a foreign power and I don't see us doing anything about it! And I gotta say, Joy, virtually the only person on television that's even talking about it in these terms.is you.

Joy knows this and she too wants to help.

A fictional 1992 movie seems like a best case sceario, I feel like the fate of Streep and Goldie Hawn in "Death Becomes Her" could be just me being too much of a Pollyanna for what unpleasant unknown awaits us all. Will we be spraypainting and gluing our country back together too?

Joy Reid is one of the few hours of watchable news programming these days. The rest of MSNBC is played as a marketing tool for Trump's scripted reality drama:

I wonder when Most Excellent and UnPresidented Trump-State Run Special Pravda Production Company with special consult, Vladimir will take over and make Fox News seem like a radically leftist free press. If I catch myself longing for the days where Brian Kilmeade spoke truth to power, I'm not sure if I'll ever emerge from the padded cell that I may soon call home.

Just give me a computer, wifi, and four hours of AM Joy on Weekends, and maybe you and I can ride this thing out for a few years.

We've all got to find our happy place. I've been compelled to make way too much cookie dough lately. Without healthcare and some new cholesterol levels inspired by butter....I may need to regroup. Hey, what could go wrong?

Here's a couple of good tweets that will concisely put things in perspective. Thanks to this twitter user, Jasper.

Strap yourself in. We're in for a bumpy ride my friends. At least we know, we ARE THE MAJORITY, and the moral arc will bend towards justice. How quickly we can achieve that remains to be seen.

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