SNL Mocks Trump's Tweets, Immediately Gets A Rise Out Of Him On Twitter
Alec Baldwin continues to rankle our thin-skinned president-elect.
Alec Baldwin once again made a mockery of our very thin-skinned president-elect during SNL's Cold Open, and surprise, surprise, Trump was none too happy with Baldwin.
SNL: Alec Baldwin’s Donald Trump Goes Twitter Crazy:
Donald Trump is still the president-elect of the United States and Alec Baldwin is still playing him on Saturday Night Live. And this week’s cold open brought us inside a Trump security briefing where the easily-distracted Trump couldn’t help but retweet a high school boy named Seth.
“He's 16, he's in high school, and I really did retweet him,” Baldwin’s Trump said. “Seriously, this is real.” As his advisers tried to fill him in on the situation in Syria, Trump continued, “God, Seth seems so cool. His Twitter bio says he wants to make America great again.”
According to Kate McKinnon’s Kellyanne Conway, Trump tweets so much in order to “distract the media from his business conflicts and the scary people in his cabinet,” but in Trump’s words the real reason is because his “brain is bad.”
As the adults in the room continued to admonish Trump for his incessant tweeting, he disputed the fact that it was preventing him from focusing on his work. “I was elected 25 days ago and already unemployment is at a nine-year low, millions and millions of people have health care and Osama bin Laden is dead,” he said. “Next I'm going to do what I promised my whole campaign and I'm going to build that swamp.”
Informed about his upcoming dinner with Mitt Romney, Trump asked, “Can we at least have a picture of us together where he looks like a little bitch?” Finally, Trump requested the presence of his chief strategist Steve Bannon and in walked death himself. “Live from New York, it’s Saturday Night!” they said in unison.
SNL has been way too kind with their portrayal of Conway IMHO, but Baldwin's Trump is spot-on. Trump of course, immediately took to Twitter to rail against the show and Baldwin.
Here was Baldwin's response.