Spicer Says 'Transparent' Trump Is Too Busy For Press Conferences

I guess you people know all you need to know. RNC's Communications director is another tool of the American Führer.

Sean Spicer seems to go to CNN's New Day to apologize for the latest GOP/Trump atrocities dominating the news at the speed of a fast-pitching tennis ball machine.

Today host Chris Cuomo tried to ascertain why exactly has Trump not had a press conference. Although we suspect the answer is to stall and stall some more until he can formulate a good excuse for his non-disclosure of taxes and other vital information, why not try to ask the RNC Communications Director for his fiction-laden rationale for this egregious departure from tradition? It will certainly fill up a news broadcast, at the very least.

The first part of this interview revealed that Spicer and his gang of Fuhrer apologists are perfectly okay with business conflicts, nepotism and total disregard for the truth. Spicer claims Trump has been ultra-transparent and not the least bit 'sneaky.' So there. Here's the last third of the interview, where Cuomo puts in a last ditch effort to garner a scintilla of actual information, to no avail.

CUOMO: What about what you're hiding? That's what news is, what you don't want us to see.

SPICER: no because it's all about what you want. We've been unbelievably transparent. The American people are unbelievably supportive, so I get what you and some of the media want but at the end of the day everything that is happening, you can see every single person go up and down trump tower (escalator) there's a camera, for goodness sake, that shows who's coming up, who's going down.

CUOMO: Are any of those people in business with Donald Trump right now?

SPICER: Hold on (I gotta recall the talking points I've been assigned...)

CUOMO: I don't know the answer to that.

SPICER: Mr Trump has some of the most iconic properties in the world. He has put his entire focus on building a cabinet which you've seen, which you would note, he's almost entirely finished with. He's, by far, ahead of where every modern American president has been.

Apparently, we're supposed to be impressed with the rapid-fire appointment of the most corrupt and unqualified cabinet ever assembled. Sorry, not impressed at all. Disgusted is more like it.

CUOMO: Very active, very active

SPICER: Not just by naming people, but not just active, but these are world-class people every single one of them. You name it, boom boom boom from the EPA, to the Department of State, the Department of Interior these are the best and brightest.

In the bizarro GOP-world, the best and brightest means the least committed to maintaining the integrity of every department they are heading, the most hell-bent on destroying this democracy that Trump could have possibly found. These are the antithesis of best and brightest, to put it nicely. Cuomo tries one more time, and asked some real questions, sans any truth from the Republican apologist.

CUOMO: What I'm saying is, the conflicts are real. The only way you know what happens, there are two main ways: one is you know what you have going into it which We. Do. Not. The federal disclosures, what he wants to put out it is not an exacting of his business dealings and you know that because it's not put through any filter except his own.

The second way is to wait for something terrible to happen and the concerns, politically as you're setting yourself up for that. You're creating an agenda for those who opposed him in government and for journalists to have to dig because you're not giving them the answers, and are you worried that this will become a distraction to motivating your own agenda?

SPICER: No, I'm not.

He claims this magical January Press Conference will clear up this nebulous excuse for transparency that all of Trump's sycophants are trumpeting. It's all so insanely vague and such a terrible excuse for what's supposed to be a free press. It's downright insulting.

Trump is whittling away at our freedoms and every American should be up in arms over this blatant corruption and foreign attack on our elections that has transpired. But alas....here we are. Just 4 days away from the meeting of the Electoral College, which is the last time we can do something about this travesty of injustice.

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