Trump Supporters' Party Planning Ruined, Thanks Nazis!

So do you Nazi Salute at a Deplorables Shindig, or no?

What happened to their Nazi etiquette party planner?

Turns out this "alt-Right" (yeah) celebrity last name Cernovich was planning something called a "Deplora-Ball" (which sounds like a toilet cleaner to me, but I digress) in honor of Donald Trump's inauguration.

His friends wanted to come but they are Nazis and you know how they are. They wanted to do the whole salute Hitler thing at his party and Cernovich said no this is not a Nazi thing this is a Trump's Deplorables thing and it is YOUR job to bring the chips and dip, Adolph!

So Adolph and his friends called Cernovich a "cuck" and got out one of their mom's good cookie sheets and burned a book by Cernovich on Twitter. No, really:


Raw Story put it this way:

The neo-Nazis at The Daily Stormer quickly got involved and declared that Cernovich was a member of the “cuck/kike contingent of the Trump movement” who had “banned… heroes such as Richard Spencer and Sam Hyde” from attending the inauguration ball, while still inviting “Alt-Light figures attempting to kike-over the Alt-Right by making it non-racist and accepting of Jews.”

And when you make being a Nazi "non-racist" what's the point?

And every non-Trumpster, anti-Nazi in the universe went,

I'm just glad that in the year of our Lord 2016, Mel Brooks lived to see this moment. The end.

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