The Trump Faithful Are Already Expressing Buyer's Remorse

Between Mnuchin, the hedge fund predatory lender king to Elaine Chao's drug smuggler past, Trumpers aren't too happy with the swamp draining.

The Trump Faithful Are Already Expressing Buyer's Remorse

Many of the most die-hard Trump supporters have seen the light that the rest of America saw so clearly. Draining the swamp was actually the last thing on Donald's to-do list. Steve Mnuchin, predatory lender and hedge-fund billionaire is his actual pick for Secretary of the Treasury? Oh dear. The draining of the swamp has revealed a very thick layer of scum. And now people are noticing their health insurance might be at risk?

In an interview with the Associated Press, Los Angeles resident Teena Colebrook now says, “I just wish that I had not voted.” She added, “”I have no faith in our government anymore at all. They all promise you the world at the end of a stick and take it away once they get in.”

Mnuchin and a team of investors ran OneWest, who foreclosed on Colebrook’s home during the Great Recession, taking over two units she rented – which were her primary sources of income.

Trump in the days leading up to the election had claimed that he was “draining the swamp” in Washington, D.C., but so far the bulk of his appointments have been millionaires and billionaires well entrenched in the swamp of corruption and cronyism that so many dislike about politics.

Sadly, Teena learned the truth far too late.

Speaking about Trump’s betrayal, Colebrook said, “He doesn’t want the truth. He’s now backing his buddies.”

It's not just the financial sector that will be suffering with these abhorrent choices made by Mike Pence and Cheeto Mussolini, it's the promise to take away millions of lower-income Americans' healthcare access. Granting rights and then rescinding them is not going to go over well, as residents of Teabagger Matt Bevin's state of Kentucky are beginning to realize.

NPR reports:

In a state as cash-strapped as Kentucky, the increased expenses ahead for Medicaid will be significant in Bevin's view — $1.2 billion from 2017 to 2021, according to the waiver request he's made to the Obama administration to change how Medicaid works in his state.

Trump's unexpected victory may help Bevin's chances of winning approval. Before the election, many analysts expected federal officials to reject the governor's plan by the end of the year on the grounds that it would roll back gains in expected coverage.

A Trump administration could decide the matter differently, said Emily Beauregard, executive director of Kentucky Voice for Health, an advocacy group that opposes most waiver changes because they could reduce access to care.

Trump actually promised NOT to mess with Medicare and SS, but here we are.
Congressman Tom Price, the HHS pick, is a vehemently anti-LGBT and leader in the repeal Obamacare fight.

Even some of the more well-known of Trump's supporters are beginning to show signs of dissent.

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