We Need More Electors Like This Texan In The Electoral College

December 19 is fast approaching and more electors are demanding additional information on Russian election interference.

On Monday, December 19th the Electoral College convenes and chooses the U.S. President, formally. Donald Trump's frightening conduct, thus far is unnerving a 'tremendous' number of Americans. This bizarre scenario is why the Electoral College system was created by Alexander Hamilton.

The Founding Fathers adopted the Electoral College to ensure that the presidency would not go to an unqualified candidate who won over the masses with his “talents for low intrigue, and the little arts of popularity,” as Alexander Hamilton put it.

Many say the election of a reality-TV star with extensive foreign ties is exactly the kind of scenario the Electoral College was created for — especially because Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by more than 2.8 million votes.

Christopher Suprun, the elector speaking in the video, is not going to allocate his Republican vote to Donald Trump, in good conscience, how could he? He agrees with Keith Olbermann's assertion that Trump is the 'President-non-elect.'

Suprun says in this MoveOn.org video:

Fifty of my Republican colleagues who are experts in foreign policy and national security and said he would be a danger if he were president. The CIA report is frightening it should concern every American

When the Washington Post reported the findings of the CIA, the 'president-elect's' first reaction was to defend Vladimir Putin.

Suprun knows how absurd it is to validate an election that was highly manipulated by a hostile foreign power, and he is demanding more answers. Every elector on the college should do the same. This is not a trivial matter, this is extremely dire and we are down to the wire.

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