The Women On The Fox Couch Say Obama's A Commie
Fox News says Obama is the Communist because nothing to see here in the Putin/Trump White House
It's not bad enough that he's a secret Muslim Kenyan Baby Parts Solyndra Benghazi Islamic fist bumper....
The soon-to-be ex-President is also a communist.
So says Kennedy crossing her legs on the Fox News Outnumbered Couch at the Roger Ailes Memorial Mini-skirt Extravaganza.
As my colleague Heather sums up this clip, the Outnumbered cast also blamed Obama for any FUTURE partisan gridlock, because it's clearly his goal in his emeritus years to make it "hard" for Trump to "govern."
The Commie!
We have four years of this fake news to look forward to. And the problem is Fox. That network alone softened up Republican brains enough that now they'll believe anything.