Is Donald Trump Bringing Back World War ...One?
It looks like the very old alliances are back in vogue under Donald. And that's very bad for the world.
Cokie Roberts doesn't want to be TOO critical of Donald Trump, but it's clear what his relationship with Vladimir Putin boils down to:
"They're best buddies, clearly! I mean, Donald Trump has defended Vladimir Putin over and over and over again. it's now Putin's turn to defend Trump. For him to say Obama is undermining Trump as he's coming into the presidency when the Obama administration and the intelligence agencies have been saying that the Russians have been undermining the American electoral system is just, you know, 'tit for tat' as far as Putin is concerned. "
Former Biden advisor Ron Klain won't sugarcoat it like Cokie:
RON KLAIN: "Look, for Vladimir Putin to lecture us about legitimacy on elections is very rich, that's for sure.
I think it's troubling. When you see the President-elect say that NATO is obsolete, when you see him equate Putin to Angela Merkel, one of the great world leaders? This is bizarre. add to it that his cabinet nominees as they testify before Capitol Hill are telling a very, very different story. General Mattis last week said that NATO was vital and a key part of our defense. The President-elect said it's obsolete. Which one of the two is it? This is one of the things that has to unfold once he takes office. You can't have two different stories when you're the President and Secretary of Defense and you're in office. This has to sort itself out. and who knows what will happen."
Then he says this:
KLAIN: If the President is going to now disregard the Atlantic alliance, the cornerstone of peace in Europe, and take provocative actions in the Pacific and pull the United States into the policy of isolationism, that's the kind of mess that got us into World War I. A disastrous set of policies when you put them together. A lot of Americans, fewer than voted for Clinton but a lot voted for Donald Trump. I don't think that's what they were voting for.
Really, Ron? Did ANY Trump voter care what they were voting for?
Meanwhile, Joe Scarborough just wishes the media would be quiet about Trump's spats with the intelligence community. And that somebody, anybody, would take away Donald's phone.