Fox's Erin McPike: Trump Has Not Gotten Any Positive Coverage From The Mainstream Media

McPike apparently doesn't ever watch the network she works for now.

Fox contributor Erin McPike apparently doesn't ever watch the network she works for now, or her former employers, CNN and MSNBC for that matter. Never mind that Trump's been phoning it in to his buddies on Morning Joe from day one, that CNN has a bunch of full time Trump apologists on staff for the network, or that all of our corporate media gives his surrogates and Trump ample air time to lie with little to no push back.

Never mind that Trump got a couple of billion dollars worth of so-called "earned media" during the primary race, and still has the media reporting on every one of his trolling tweets instead of his conflicts of interest, or the one percenters who will likely put the screws to the working class voters who put him in office that he's lining up as his cabinet picks.

McPike wants us to believe that Trump has never gotten one bit of positive coverage from the mainstream media. Even Media Buzz host and Trump apologist Howard Kurtz wasn't buying it and said it is the press' job to be adversarial, not that you'll see him or anyone else over on GOPTV playing that role when it comes to Republicans.

KURTZ: So, Donald Trump is back on the Twitter, with Sean Spicer saying on ABC in an interview airing today that it freaks the media out when he does this. We can put it up on the screen.

Russians are playing @CNN and @NBCNews for such fools – funny to watch, they don't have a clue! @FoxNews totally gets it!

Alright, so he likes Fox on this issue. This way of calling out news organizations on their coverage on even this serious issue is part of the pattern, isn't it?

MCPIKE: We talked about that on this show a number of times.

KURTZ: It keeps happening.

MCPIKE: Well, it does. Look, it's an effective tool for Trump to use, but one of these sides need to bring it down a notch, because over the next four years media need to cover Trump and they need to do so fairly. I think one of the issues is, that Trump has not gotten really any positive coverage from the mainstream media and he deserves some. Every politician, every president deserves some positive coverage.

KURTZ: None, or very little?

MCPIKE: No, no. I think they deserve some.

KURTZ: But you're saying he hasn't gotten any.

MCPIKE: I don't think he has gotten really any. You know, and I think that that's an over-correction to what happened to President Obama, because there were so many positive stories and there is a backlash. Look, President Obama did deserve positive coverage, as did George W. Bush, as did Bill Clinton.

Every president deserves some positive coverage and we should do our part to do it. You know, we see so many media outlets now say they take an adversarial view of covering politicians. That's advocacy. We should be skeptical. We should ask questions. We should hold them accountable, but being adversarial is a problem.

There are plenty of problems with our corporate media right now, but being too adversarial isn't one of them.Looks like McPike is fitting in quite nicely over on Faux "News."

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