Indivertible: What YOU Can Do To Keep The Media Honest
From former producers of The Daily Show and Countdown with Keith Olbermann, here's a guide to how to keep the media honest in the Age of Trump.
Back when I was managing C&L, I was on several listservs that included journalists whose names are probably familiar to you. In those heady early days of the progressive blogosphere, there was plenty of interchange with us and the fledgling cable channels (I can't believe how old that makes me feel to write). Amato and I would regularly communicate with the producers of The Daily Show and Countdown, sharing clips and tips.
So when some of those producers got together to create The F**king News newsletter, I was one of their most ardent subscribers. These were my buds and the newsletter--like their previous work--was both informative and hilarious.
Those guys spent the holiday period working on something that I really wanted to share with all of you: The Indivertible Guide. I'll let them describe it:
Who is this document by and for?
We: Are the creators of The F**king News, TV news and comedy veterans who saw craptacular Fox News usurp the agenda-setting power of already-but-not-as craptacular mainstream TV news.
We: See the hunger for TV news that does not suck and want to share insider info on how best to influence it not to suck.
You: Want to do your part to save your country and understand that this may entail making Wolf Blitzer cry.
You: Should use this guide, share it, amend it, make it your own, and make sure fixing TV news complements rather than replaces The Indivisible Guide’s harder work of saving our country.
If you're ready to fight the upcoming Republican deluge, The Indivisible Guide is a good start for your organizing as well.