Kellyanne Conway: Detaining Green Card Holders Is 'A Small Price To Pay'
Trump senior adviser Kellyanne Conway on Sunday said that mayhem caused by an executive order barring travelers from select Muslim countries was a "small price to pay" for the safety of Americans.
Trump senior adviser Kellyanne Conway on Sunday said that mayhem caused by an executive order barring travelers from select Muslim countries was a "small price to pay" for the safety of Americans.
During an interview on Fox News, host Chris Wallace asked Conway if the administration had made a mistake by failing to think through the chaos that would be caused Trump's executive order, which triggered the detention of permanent U.S. legal residents at airports across the country.
"You're talking about 325,000 people from overseas came into this country just yesterday through our airports," Conway replied. "You're talking about three hundred and some who have been detained or are prevented from gaining access to an aircraft in their home countries and must stay for now."
"That's 1 percent," she pointed out. "And I think in terms of the upside being greater protection of our borders, of our people, it's a small price to pay."
Conway was more exultant and even less compassionate last night tweeting on the story:
Get used to it. @POTUS is a man of action and impact.
Promises made, promises kept.
Shock to the system.
And he's just getting started— Kellyanne Conway (@KellyannePolls) January 28, 2017