Michael Moore: One Reason To March On Washington Is It Will Drive Trump Crazy
Trump gets mad when ten people congregate outside Trump Tower. What's he gonna do when 200,000 march against him on his first full day in office?
Michael Moore ends this clip on a hilarious note, but first, he has one of many very good reasons for attending the Women's March on Washington the day after the inauguration (Saturday January 21).
It will drive Donald Trump bananas.
Personally, I think just the TWEETS from the march will drive him bananas!
-- transcript --
ARI MELBER, MSNBC: What do you say to people that look at this right now and there are many and I hear from them that say it seems hopeless depending on their views. what's the point? What's the point of a march? What's the point of doing anything right now?
MICHAEL MOORE: Trump gets upset if there's ten people outside of Trump Tower. "Unfair!" He has won. protesters down on the streets. "Unfair!" It's like --
MELBER: It's true.
MOORE: No, he did. That's the word he used and it's like, wow, what is he going to think if there's 100,000 or 500,000. I mean, it's so important that we all, everybody who can go there, go there. It's a weekend. come on, you know, it's down south. It's DC, there won't be a lot of snow. But no, it's -- this will have an effect. We have to throw everything at this. This man is slightly unhinged --if I can say that -- and he's a malignant narcissist and he wants to be the popular guy and he's going to be very upset if there's a lot of people there and then beyond that, beyond the 21st, the people that Rachel had on the other night, all the other groups, there's so many groups forming. you can go to my website or my Facebook. there's so many things. We'll be busy, busy, busy. 100 days of resistance. The first 100 days. when Congress tried to get rid of the office of ethics. He didn't stop it. He had Kellyanne on The Today Show.
MELBER: Defending it.
MOORE: Defending it at 8:00 AM but we all went on Facebook and said everybody call at 9:00 -- the switchboard opens and they were swamped. it broke the switchboard and by -- after 10:00 Trump gave in. gave in after an hour.
MELBER: A key part of it is keeping track of what's happening so you can show them you know what's happening.
MOORE: And you show up. you have to show up. you have to get up off the couch! You have to go and do something. Everybody, look. I'm so encouraged by this march. I was just back in the people that do the makeup and the hair back there. such a wonderful job! Every time I say to them, you can't do anything. But they're talking about it! When is the last time I saw hair and makeup people talking about going to a march in DC?! I'm telling you, I'm just saying that's the new Americana and that's what is going to happen and people are going to be relentless about this.
MELBER: Thank you for being here. I am optimistic. That is all for The Last Word, Lawrence will be back next week.
MOORE: You'd better get back here, Lawrence! We're gonna get Shepard Smith in here if you don't get back here!
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Niiice dig at MSNBC's new hires, Michael!