Poor Donald! Won't ANY Of His Cabinet Picks Endorse Torture?

Not while they're sitting in front of a Senate Confirmation Hearing, no sir!

So this happened at the Rex Tillerson hearing:

SENATOR ED MARKEY, D-MA: President-elect Trump has argued that the United States should, again, waterboard suspected terrorists. Yesterday, Jeff Sessions said that would be illegal. And General Mattis has said it would be ineffective. Will you advise President-elect Trump that torture in any form is illegal, immoral and ineffective?

REX TILLERSON: Well, I think others have opined on that sufficiently, and I wouldn't disagree with what they've said.

MARKEY: So you agree with what they've said?

TILLERSON: I agree with what they've said.

MARKEY: Okay, thank you. I think that's important.

Hey Tillerson and company, remember this guy?

And Donald, is it the hot lights of the Senate Confirmation Hearings that make your appointees "weak"? Well, those deplorables who cheered for you during the primaries sure are gonna be disappointed. AGAIN.

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