Racist Nigel Farage Joins Fox News, Fox Business, Becomes ‘Unofficial Adviser’ To Donald Trump

You had to know it was just a matter of time.

Nigel Farage, the white nationalist pal of white nationalist Trump adviser Steve Bannon is now an unofficial adviser to Donald Trump and an official Fox News and Fox Business Network contributor.

Farage, you may know is the former leader of the British UK Independence Party (UKIP) that spearheaded the Brexit movement. He is also a white nationalist who opposes laws prohibiting discrimination on the basis of nationality, race or color. It just so happens Farage is also a close friend of Steve Bannon, the white nationalist who is now chief strategist and senior counselor to Trump.

Today, Farage was reported to be both an unofficial adviser to Trump and, in what I’m sure was a totally unrelated event, a paid contributor to Fox News and Fox Business. Politico wrote that Fox’s announcement that it had hired Farage came “as Trump prepared to walk out of the U.S. Capitol building to be sworn in as the 45th President of the United States.” The Telegraph reported that the night before, Governor Phil Bryant (R-MS) said Farage will serve as “a close but unofficial adviser” to Trump.

Watch Farage praise supposed billionaire Trump as the likely “champion of ordinary people” above.

Crossposted at Newshounds.us

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