Sally Quinn Puts Burden Of Inclusiveness On Women's March, Not Anti-Choice Activists

Sally it is not our job to get anti-choice activists to stop lying about Planned Parenthood long enough to march against pussy grabbing.

Sally Quinn is outraged that anti-abortion groups were not invited to the Women's March:

I think it's a terrible mistake, because abortion is not a political issue. It's not an ideological issue. It's an issue of faith for a lot of these women. Many of them are Christian, many of them Catholics who don't believe -- who actually believe that abortion is murder. And so you can't argue against that with them. And so I think that to take that stand and eliminate them, even though they are anti-Trump, they are pro-women, they are -- they're hard working women, they care about the issues.

To just sort of push them aside and say, well, it's our way or the highway. You have to go with us on every issue or else we're not going to allow you. I think that this is what this rally is about, is inclusiveness. And so it seems to me, ironic, they would then turn around and exclude this huge group of women who are on their side on every issue but do believe abortion is the taking of a human life.

Oh my god, Sally, have you got this wrong.

First up, abortion isn't a political issue? You sure coulda fooled THE REPUBLICAN PARTY.

How dare you pretend that abortion is merely a thing that separates women who are in every other sense united behind a feminist ideal of equality in the workplace? And that we should join hands with political activists who want to take away women's agency over their reproductive cycles?

Abortion as an actual issue in the United States is almost over. Abortion is at the lowest rate it has been in the history of post Roe v. Wade America. Before Roe v. Wade, abortion was legal, but only in some states. Abortion is now at a lower rate than it was during a time when it was legal in only 17 states. This is due in part to no co-pay contraception under Obamacare, but moreso to increased use of IUDs and other semi-permanent contraception techniques, developed by gynocological researchers who believe in science.


Abortion as a political hatchet is still going strong. That is because there is so much money and political capital to be made pushing the "baby killer" card on Planned Parenthood and pro-choice women.

The fact is, Sally, we pro-choice women have had it with the anti-Planned Parenthood war on women, and we are not ready to make nice with those who profit off of that.

We've had it with anti-choice advocacy groups making money and developing and selling mailing lists in order to garnish political power, always, always, always, for the Republican Party. We've had it with the utter fraud perpetuated by the doctored "baby parts" videos and subsequent year of fake news that ultimately led to a loss, not as much as from Comey and the Russians, but still, a loss, of votes for Hillary Clinton and for Donald Trump.

We've had it with, no matter what the issue is, no matter what we do, no matter how sexist and misogynist and incredibly inhuman towards women the opposition is (yeah that's Trump) the response we get from those who do not want us to SPEAK for our rights, any of our rights, is - you're baby killers.

We've had it, really had it, with the war on Planned Parenthood. Marsha Blackburn's lying witch hunt was specifically aimed at Planned Parenthood because that raises money for the Republican Party. Nothing rakes in the fundy dollars like an envelope with a perfect white fetus on the outside.

There are plenty of elegant private abortion clinics that don't take Medicaid and don't have a sign outside their door that would invite a crazed shooter to take aim at the windows -- Republican Congressmen don't mention them because if they get one of their interns pregnant you need to go somewhere inconspicuous.

I'm not going to share conservative social media here but if you search there for "women's march baby killers" you'll find plenty of deeply hateful speech directed against the marchers, not because those anti-choice groups were excluded, but because a woman speaking out is an abomination and the sure fire way to shut her down is abortion shaming.

I have three children and have never had an abortion. I marched today. In the eyes of conservative social media, I'm a baby killer. It really is that brutal, and that simple.

For Sally Quinn to attempt to put the BURDEN on the marchers and march organizers to "be inclusive" and not offend the sensibilities of the anti-choice groups who have done nothing but lie about their fellow women for years, is really rich. And to pretend that white Catholics don't have abortions (that's a laugh, Sally, and you know it) and yet are in all other ways the perfect feminist sisterhood is worthy of ...quoting Madonna.

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