Sean Spicer Attacks The Media Over Reports On Crowd Size At Insane First Presser

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer used his first press briefing with the White House press corps to rant and rave about reports that he claimed were inaccurate on the small crowd size at Trump's inauguration.

So today was Sean Spicer's first official White House press briefing. I had pretty high hopes for the trainwreck that it would be, but even my expectations were exceeded. Not only did he come out in a blazer that looks like he stole it from a 6'4", 350 lb man, but he looked like he hasn't slept in a good few days and may actually smell like he spent the night sleeping in his car after a 24 hour bender.

He spent the first 5 or 6 minutes literally whining about, you guessed it, the media being so unfair and lying and mean. Not only did they lie about the size of the Inauguration, which was definitely, positively, zero doubt, the biggest ever known the man because every living person on earth was there, but he said the photos were wrong.

I mean, we all have eyes. Some of our eyes work better than others, arguably, but we can see enough to read and guesstimate which is bigger when looking at side by side photos of the exact same plot of land with people on it. Right?

I mean this tweet - which looks bigger? Sean Spicer wants you to believe that the one on the right has WAY more people but it doesn't look that way to our foolish eyes because of that white tarp down on the floor. That makes 90% of the people invisible, see? It's a magic trick and the media just didn't get the memo. So really, there were 1,500,000 actual life size humans there.

Anyways, Twitter had a field day.

Oh, and he forgot to mention the world wide, 7 continent, millions of women marching against Trump Women's March.

This about sums it up:

You just know He was back there, flailing his little toddler size hands, turning even a darker shade of orange, screaming that all these women are being mean to him for no reason.

John Amato: Even Bill Kristol and Jennifer Rubin took him apart for his idiotic presser.

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