Trump's DC Hotel Raises Its Cocktails To Min $24

Trump's DC Hotel jacks its prices (AGAIN) since opening in September.

Trump's DC Hotel Raises Its Cocktails To Min $24

The scamming and the price gauging never ends, does it.

Source: Washingtonian

And you thought the $14 cocktail was too pricey? The Trump hotel’s lobby bar has raised its cocktail prices yet again. The cheapest option now is $24, while the most expensive is $100.

It’s safe to say the Trump hotel’s Benjamin Bar & Lounge is now the most expensive overall bar in all of Washington, and its price hikes are the hugest I’ve ever seen, especially in such a short period.

When the hotel opened on September 12, cocktail prices ranged from $16 to $20—not cheap, but not totally unheard of for a luxury hotel. Then in October, we noted those exact same cocktails had been jacked up to the $20 to $24 range

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