Trump Refuses To Answer CNN's Question: 'You're Fake News'

And THIS is how Trump controls the message? Welcome to fascism.

So now the President-elect just calls reporters from cable news "fake news" and refuses to answer their questions during a press conference.

And CNN's Jim Acosta, who is now the story, retweeted this (as true)

And this

The White House Press is going to have to set a policy with this President, that if he refuses to answer a question they will sit down with hands in lap until he does. And there will be crickets until then. And if he leaves without answering they will question his courage to the cameras.

And then Twitter will do the rest. Call him a coward. Forever.

Think they'll do that? Really?

Just a friendly warning to those trying to make a Media Name Career (tm) for yourselves on the backs of your colleagues. You can't. Trump will dump on you next.

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