Bullying? Texas Republican Breaks A Desk During NARAL Testimony

State Senator Charles Schwertner should pay for the desk and apologize to the 24 year old woman he cut off so sharply he broke the desk with his gavel.

Ya know, these anti-choice men get so emotional. And by emotional I mean nasty and violent. Cosmopolitan:

A Republican state senator in Texas broke a glass tabletop Wednesday during a hearing on three anti-abortion bills, hitting his gavel so hard during a NARAL Pro-Choice Texas intern’s testimony that the room was stunned into silence as the glass shattered.

The 24-year-old intern, Maggie Hennessy, was wrapping up her two-minute testimony against SB 415 — a bill that would limit doctors’ ability to perform the dilation and evacuation medical procedure, which is used in about 95 percent of second-trimester abortions — when Senator Charles Schwertner verbally warned her that her time was up. As Hennessy concluded her testimony — surpassing the time limit by several seconds to urge lawmakers to “stop playing with women’s health care as if it’s your own political puppet” — Schwertner hammered his gavel prompting a swift crack that shattered the desk top and echoed through the senate chamber.

And as bad as that is, this local news coverage was appalling. He "showed his strength"? And then giggling as his excuse is "I need to dial back on my Wheaties?"

He didn't break the glass table for any of the anti-choice men who spoke before his committee. Only a 24-year-old woman who told him to stop playing with women's health care.


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