C&L's Late Nite Music Club With Television
"Hey man, let's dress up like cops, think of what we could do"
It's time for another birthday slab today. Released on this day, February 8th, in 1977, Television's Marquee Moon always makes a lot best record ever lists.
Due to the fact that it didn't sound similar or familiar to what else that was coming out at the time and since the band was from NYC, it normally gets placed under the punk rock umbrella. Nowadays, people will argue whether the band actually was punk rock or where they something else. The intertwined guitar lines, the brainy lyrics and so on don't seem to fall under what some people think the imaginary rule book states the style is supposed to sound like.
Good thing there wasn't that rule book around back then. The world may have never gotten this album and they'd have less to debate about. To me, it's simply a good and odd rock-n-roll record. And that is always a good thing.
What are you listening to tonight?