GOP Rep On 'Spineless' Colleagues: Repeal Obamacare Dangit!

Mo Brooks is angry! Vocal constituents at town halls mean the Republican Party might lose its spine and not repeal Obamacare!

Representative Mo Brooks (Safe District Guess Which Party, Alabama) is mad that his colleagues in the Republican caucus don't have more "spine" when it comes to eradicating health insurance for twenty million citizens. Where's their backbone? Brooks blames those terrible Town Hall meetings.

Though he mentioned no members of Congress by name, Brooks harshly criticized though backing away from repealing Obamacare.

"In my opinion, the massive obstructionist nature of the protests, particularly the disruption of town hall meetings, is having an effect on a good number of our more liberal, big government, weak-kneed, squishy-spined Republican senators and House members," Brooks said.

"In the absence of a counter force, the protests will likely be successful in preventing an outright repeal of Obamacare."

As Nancy Giles pointed out in last night's Last Word (video above), it's called the House of Representatives, Mo.

Some of you may remember Mo Brooks as that charmer who announced in 2015 that he would be ready to impeach President Hillary Clinton "on day one."

Who votes for these jackasses? Other jackasses, I figure.

Although it's been quoted many times this weekend, I leave you with Paul Krugman:

....health reform has been a hugely liberating experience for millions. It means that workers don’t have to fear that quitting a job with a large company will mean loss of health coverage, and that entrepreneurs don’t have to fear striking out on their own. It means that those 20 million people who gained coverage don’t have to fear financial ruin if they get sick — or unnecessary death if they can’t afford treatment. For there is no real question that Obamacare is saving tens of thousands of lives every year.

So why do Republicans hate Obamacare so much? It’s not because they have better ideas; as we’ve seen over the past few weeks, they’re coming up empty-handed on the “replace” part of “repeal and replace.” It’s not, I’m sorry to say, because they are deeply committed to Americans’ right to buy the insurance policy of their choice.

No, mainly they hate Obamacare for two reasons: It demonstrates that the government can make people’s lives better, and it’s paid for in large part with taxes on the wealthy. Their overriding goal is to make those taxes go away. And if getting those taxes cut means that quite a few people end up dying, remember: freedom!

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