The Interview Everyone's Talking About: Blumenthal On CNN

Because Trump had a Twitter Tantrum, that's why. (sigh)

Two warnings before I discuss this video:

1. Yes, Senator Blumenthal speaks as if there is no Merrick Garland stolen seat. So does Chris Cuomo. We see that, gentlemen, and it is not accepted.

2. If it wasn't for the Trump Twitter Tantrum (tm) that this interview caused, we probably wouldn't be talking about it.

Note that the first question Cuomo asks brings up the very thing Trump claims he didn't.

Utter lies, easily disproven statements? Trump's Twitter specialty!

Yeah this is not an important interview otherwise, even though a sitting US Senator says the president is causing a constitutional crisis by his actions, which he is.

SEN. BLUMENTHAL: I believe that ordinary a Supreme Court nominee would not be expected to comment on issues or political matters or cases to come before the court. We are in a very unusual situation, careening, literally, towards a Constitutional crisis. He's been nominated by a president who has repeatedly and relentlessly attacked the American judiciary on three separate occasions, their credibility and trust are in question. He's established a litmus test for his nominee to be pro-life, to be pro-Second Amendment, to be conservative.

Yeah, Trump is being completely corrupt and impeachment-worthy by spitting on the judiciary branch of government. We are well aware of that, and the total lack of oversight by the Republican Congress is a giant eff-you to the American public by only one political party (both sides don't).

I personally think Trump got his SCOTUS list from a bunch of his pro-lifer Heritage Foundation puppet masters and is going to be shocked (shocked!) when his appointment wants to limit the power of the executive branch to what is "in the original constitution." I don't even think Trump realized before the Muslim ban that anyone could stop him from doing anything... except to sue him, which he sees as mere inconvenience, same as in the real estate world.

And his tweets against the judiciary? Part of the game to get one-upmanship over an "opponent." Trump has no idea about presidential legacy except that he has to win.

And none of the litmus tests matter, Senator Blumenthal. Because that SCOTUS seat belongs to President Barack Obama and his nominee, Merrick Garland.

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