Jake Tapper Remembers All Of Trump's Conspiracy Theories

It's your best defense against Trump: Remembering his actual past.

Jake Tapper went there.

CNN is reporting the true, backed-up story that some of Trump's top aides were in constant communication with Russian officials during the campaign. Flynn resigned or was fired because he lied to the American people and the vice president. And Press Secretary Sean Spicer said Flynn had "lost the trust of the president."

But yesterday Donald wanted to make this about the "fake media", without debunking any of the evidence these outlets have proving their story. Jake Tapper has a simple reply to this smear:

"The media didn't fire Michael Flynn, Trump did."

So if Trump wants to reply to every press criticism of him with "fake news" and "conspiracy theories," Jake Tapper has decided to double down with some factual history:

These are news stories sourced by government officials. Conspiracy theories are different. They're false. They're crackpot. They're nonsense.

As a candidate vying for the Republican nomination, Trump falsely said Sen. Ted Cruz's father was with Lee Harvey Oswald before President John F. Kennedy was killed.

And Trump for years was the leading proponent of the racially-tinged "birther" theory, which alleged the nation's first black president was not born in the United States and thus ineligible for the office.

Fake news, via Fox, Breitbart, and even The National Enquirer, has been Donald Trump's source material throughout his so-called political career.

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