Limbaugh Says Trump Has Racial Disadvantage: Obama Got 'Everything He Wanted' Because He's Black

Conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh on Sunday accused the so-called "deep state" of plotting to destroy Donald Trump's presidency.

Conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh on Sunday accused the so-called "deep state" of plotting to destroy Donald Trump's presidency.

During an interview with Fox News host Chris Wallace, Limbaugh insisted that it "is preposterous to believe that the Russians had any effect on the outcome of voting in this country."

"It's absurd," he declared. "There is no evidence. Zilch. Zero. Nada."

According to the conservative talker, Trump's supporters "really, really believe that they were going to lose the country if Hillary Clinton won."

Limbaugh went on to praise The Intercept's Glenn Greenwald for suggesting that career government employees -- which he calls the "deep state" -- were out to destroy Trump.

"Glenn Greenwald, at The Intercept, who has got a relationship with [WikiLeakers founder] Julian Assange, I think he actually coined the term," Limbaugh said. "And I think it works. Who is driving this business that the Russians hacked the elections? It's the Democrat [SIC] Party, it's Hillary, it's Obama, it's all those people who just can't accept they lost."

The conservative radio host advised Trump to get to work repealing President Barack Obama's signature health care reform law, reforming the tax code and securing the border. But he argued that it would not be easy because Trump does not have the benefit of being an African-American.

"[Obama was] the first African-American president," Limbaugh opined. "You have everybody falling all over themselves to acknowledge that, to reward that. Obama was going to get everything he wanted in the first year because if anybody opposed it, they were going to be accused of being a racist or bigot or who knows what."

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