Trump Supporters Launch Counter Protest. In A Word: Underwhelming

Trump supporters wanted to show him that they have his back.

Look at that! Almost a whole dozen Trump supporters gathered in Portland to let America know that they have the Islamophobist-in-Chief's back when it comes to the Muslim ban:

William Hall of Gray says he organized the rally at Monument Square in Portland in response to rallies against the president's ban. Hall and several other people at Saturday's gathering say they don't agree with everything the president does or says, but that they do think the ban on immigrants from seven muslim-majority countries entering the U.S. is the right call right now.

"We need to do better background checks on immigrants coming into this country," said Hall. "We have borders for a reason. Having open borders is like having a home without walls—plain and simple."

Using Hall's logic, perhaps we should have "extreme vetting" for white Christian men?

In fact, though, most lethal political violence since September 11 has come in the form of attacks by white supremacists, anti-government extremists, and the like, according to an analysis by New America. It’s not even close: Jihadists have killed 26 people, versus 48 by what New America calls “right-wing extremists.”

In that way, Dylann Roof is far more representative of political violence in 21st century America than Dzokhar Tsarnaev could ever be.

Fox News (!!!) shares a similarly-populated pro-Trump protest outside Trump Tower in NYC:

Can't you just feel the waves of support?

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