WATCH Joy Reid Kick Bigoted Off-Topic JD Hayworth Off AM Joy

Once again, Joy Ann Reid has had enough of guests who change the subject and filibuster the conversation. But JD Hayworth is special.

Long time readers of C&L know JD Hayworth, former Arizona congressman known for his birtherism and assertion that gay marriage is bestiality.

Wingnuts like JD are never unemployed, though, so now he's with...get this...NEWSMAX Prime on Newsmax TV..

Team Evil pays!

And he follows the conservative panel rules for changing the subject on his appearance on AM Joy this morning, with the additional bonus of a heap o' bigotry at the same time.

Most importantly, it's clear he came on the show with the purpose of getting kicked off, so he can brag about it on his Newsmax gig. His ranting about "the MSNBC agenda" is telling.

JD insists that Trump's immigration policy is a matter of law enforcement rather than racism and bigotry. Fellow panellists Rosie Perez and Maria Hinojosa know it isn't.

HAYWORTH: ... it is not a question of ethnicity. it's a question of security.

HINOJOSA: So here's. now you want to spin this false narrative this morning rather than look for solutions.

HAYWORTH: So you get to determine what is false.

REID: We're not going to allow --

HAYWORTH: I understand what you guys are pulling and it's very instructive and I appreciate the chance to come be with you. I'm accused of privilege and I'm accused of all these things --

REID: So let me ask you a very specific question. There was an arrest of an immigrant who went in to seek domestic violence protection. This was somebody in El Paso county, Texas and it was a hearing from -- order to unprecedented last week when half a dozen immigration pfficers showed up at a courthouse where an undocumented woman was seeking a protective order. She left under arrest. Do you have any discomfort that somebody showed up to try to get protection for domestic violence and was instead swarmed on by six i.c.e. agents and arrested?

HAYWORTH: I have a greater degree of discomfort with Latino on Latino violence where a 15-year-old was savagely attacked by MS13. I have a greater concern about law breaking and violence than I do about a situation where people disobey immigration laws.

REID: You talked early about false narrative about a specific, with an attempt to talk about Latino versus Latino violence. Essentially you're trying to ascribe violence to an entire race of people's ethnicity.

HAYWORTH: No, I'm not. I'm simply using a descriptive term.

REID: That is not an answer to my question. it was --

HAYWORTH: The MSNBC script is to have a conservative on and treat them as the evil one, tell them to be quiet.

REID: We don't tell you what to say. if you come across poorly it's because of what you said.

HAYWORTH: For example, I thought it was very telling you asked Maria about Congress rather than asking the Congressman. I can tell you exactly what went on.

HINOJOSA: That's because you took too long to answer the first question, sweetie.

HAYWORTH: Fine. it's very --

REID: You've been talking the whole time. Let's give you a chance to answer the specific question about Congress. why would specifically be denied access to a meeting particularly when these were members that were specifically concerned about this and we're the ones who raised those concerns. why would they be kept out of the meeting?

HAYWORTH: Here's what I would offer as conjecture. I was not there but I have been in plenty of security briefings where there is a list, where you work to put yourself on a schedule. and my friend Luis apparently was not put on the list to come in for the briefing as were others and so --

REID: But they are the ones who are asking the questions. you're saying that you don't find it odd that only Latino Democrats were kept out of that meeting? You don't think that that's strange.

HAYWORTH: I don't believe that narrative is exactly the case. I think there's probably --

REID: It is according --

HAYWORTH: We'll take it out -- we'll take it out of the ethnicity although that's tough when you take a look at the stunt that Elizabeth Warren pulled --

REID: What does Elizabeth Warren have to do with anything?

HAYWORTH: ....Native American

REID: Can I just tell me something we're going to end here, but sir, you've talked about false narratives but twice you've answered questions with that have some sort of ethnic base to them. Now you've gone after Elizabeth Warren's Native American heritage.

HAYWORTH: ...she has not....

REID: I think we're done with this segment. You literally answer a question with an answer that's incredibly offensive.

HAYWORTH: I understand. Yes, I'm a White man with privilege. God bless you all. Thank you so much.

REID: What an odd exchange.

HAYWORTH: No it's absolutely pertinent.

REID: Wow.

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