Watch Out, Kellyanne, Chris Christie Tells Staffers He's Going To The White House

Donald Trump's favorite meat-taster is moving on up, to the West Wing

So according to the NY Post, Chris Christie is planning on moving on up.

You see, allegedly he's written to his staffers to let them know that he's going to the White House. No reports on what his official position would be (although given Trump's megalomaniacal tendencies, it could be as his official beefeater), but if I was Kellyanne Conway, recently benched by several networks from giving appearances, I'd be nervous.

Trump's perception of media appearances doesn't resemble normal politcos. He LOVED Stephen Miller's Goebbels-like blitz of the Sunday shows. And Christie is notoriously aggressive with the media, which will probably thrill Donald right down to his disproportionately tiny digits.

Now officially, according to Christie's spokesman, all of this is just more #fakenews. So grain of salt, and all that. One would hope that the White House would worry about unindicted criminals working for them, but then again, this is a White House that doesn't appear to care about laws involving ethical or legal behavior.

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