Joe Biden: ACHA Is Just A Giant Tax Cut For The Rich

The Republicans are up to their usual evil: transfer our tax dollars to the wealthy while hurting the poor.

While Democrats celebrate the 7th anniversary of President Obama's signature law, The Affordable Care Act, the Republican Party is hard at work to destroy what Democrats have tried to do for those less fortunate.

Do Republicans have any other function?


They love to transfer money from the needy and give it to the rich and greedy. Hell, Paul Ryan dreamed of cutting Medicaid for poor Americans since his kegger days. The GOP is not concerned with the poor, and they never will be.

Our last duly-elected Vice President, Joe Biden, appeared at the rally earlier today to lend a helping hand to the millions of Americans who will be drastically harmed by Trumpcare / Ryancare / this evil AHCA. Even Trump admits this bill hurts people.

Trump is currently bullying House Republicans who have pledged to vote NO on this bill. For a victory, the GOP can afford no more than twenty-one GOP House members and currently, there are a handful more than that who might still vote no. That would be a YUGE loss for him and Kegboy Paul Ryan.

Our favorite BFD Veep, Joe Biden knows what's at stake and lays it out plainly.

VP BIDEN: It's a transfer of about a trillion dollars (from the poor to the super rich). That's classic Republican politics! This is a tax bill for them! This is all about making sure that hard-working people and by the way, middle-class people who otherwise seem to be doing all right, seem to with their income, except the cost of their health care and it's saying okay, well what we're going to do is we're going to transfer back close to a trillion dollars to people who in fact don't need it.

Biden also mentioned that the only difference in the GOP now, which is different from the GOP of the last 30+ years, is the 'colorful' quality of their current leader. They are the reverse Robin Hood creeps they've always been.

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