Bill Maher Begs Trump Voters To Just Admit He's A Conman

Bill Maher explains to Trump voters just exactly who they voted for.

Real Time host Bill Maher explained to Trump voters just exactly who they voted for during his New Rules segment this Friday night. But don't expect most of them to be willing to admit it just yet, if ever. I'm sure this ACA repeal debacle brought a few of them around, but I don't think there's much hope for the die-hard supporters, who I'm sure will defend him until the bitter end.

And finally, New Rule: Americans need more Republicans like this guy. This man should be commended and not just for being the first Trump voter to get all of the spelling right on a sign, but because it's not easy to admit that you've been taken by a con man.

Now, during the campaign, con man Trump, said this about the high cost of pharmaceuticals.


That's right. He promised to use his deal-making superpowers to get the drug companies to cut prices, but after the elections, he sat down with the executives of Big Pharma, and what do you know? It turns out the solution isn't to get tough at all. It's to cut regulations. Fuck!

He promised the Keystone Pipeline would be built with American steel. It won't.

He promised to be the savior of coal miners, but here was the headline last month: "Trump's budget slams West Virginia."

I know you real Americans hate being called stupid. But you've gotta meet me half way and stop being stupid. I mean, I would say Trump was a used car salesman, but with the used car salesman, at least you get a car. With Trump, you don't get any car, but you definitely get taken for a ride.

He promised, and I quote, “We are going to have insurance for everybody. Much less expensive. And much better.” But when we saw the bill, it was a giant tax cut for the rich paid for by kicking 24 million people off their health insurance. What a truly novel approach to making health care less expensive. Saving money by not giving people health care.

It's like saving money on your kid's education by letting them stay home and watch Judge Judy. And again, I don't want to use the “s” word, but then you have to tell me me how this sounded at all possible.


Believing healthcare could be way better at a fraction of the cost is so silly. Let's call it silly, but Trump's approach to health care was never going to be repeal and replace. It was always bait and switch, because that is the con man's approach to everything.

Did I say health insurance for all? I meant access to insurance. Did I say Mexico would pay for the beautiful wall that keeps drug dealers out and lock the freshness in? I meant Mexico would pay us back.


Act now, and we'll throw in a second wall absolutely free.

Trump has promised jobs. You're probably wondering, will these be good jobs? I'm glad you asked.


Right. Good jobs, in the burgeoning new field of something terrific. You know, you Trumpsters, you didn't elect the next Reagan. You elected this guy.


You elected every cheap huckster you should have known was full of shit, because he was always promising the moon. Everything is always “foolproof” and “100 percent.”


Folks, how much would you pay to get rid of ISIS very quickly? Don't answer yet, because not only will ISIS be gone like that, here's our guarantee on undocumented immigrants.


So which do you like better? Winning so much you're tired of winning, or having your head spin?


Order now, and we will throw in everything!


Really? Everything? Everything he said. Okay. I won't mock you anymore. You're not the first people to be fooled by a guy like Donald Trump.


No sense crying over spilled snake oil. You can keep liking him, but just admit he is a con man... and a good one. The kind who tells you I promise I'll pull out, while he's coming.

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