Chuck Grassley Resorts To Tweeting To Get Trump's Attention
Yes, we have reached that point in the Trump administration where politicians have to tweet at him to get him to notice.

In just two short months, we have reached the point where Trump is unreachable by phone, memo, meeting, or any other politicians are resorting to desperately tweeting at him in the hopes of getting his attention. Case in point: Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) had a tweetstorm directly AT Trump regarding a segment on tonight's 60 Minutes where H1B visas were discussed.
It is not a subject completely unfamiliar to Trump. Despite reporting that he too gamed the immigration system with H1B visas for foreign models for his modeling agency, Trump made the whole argument of not letting American corporations outsource American jobs a major part of his campaign speeches. Now in office, Trump's used the same rhetoric to justify his immigration and travel ban orders, though that effectively little more than blaming the victim, and has provoked pushback from tech companies, among others.
But because this segment was on CBS, it was 100% certain that Trump would not watch it. As we know, he only watches Fox News and RT and only reads Russian news and Breitbart (and maybe the Daily Stormer and Gateway Pundit, if Bannon sneaks it into his stack of daily reading).
So what's a senator to do when he wants to call Trump's attention to his campaign promises? Here are Grassley's tweets:
Wow, can you imagine if the GOP had to resort to desperately tweeting at Obama to get work done? They would be dragging his name through the mud. Instead, they are settling for this kind of insanity. This is the Trump effect.