C&L's Late Nite Music Club With Jim Nesbitt
Where's my car? Oh, it's just a big metal brick right now.
The morning started out good. I was making great time on my way to work.
Then my set of wheels decided to mess up the whole thing for me. Started to stutter and chug. Then it croaked. The tow truck was called and the big hunk of metal was dropped back off in my driveway.
The verdict? A dead fuel pump. The cost? Well, after labor and the tow it's gonna run me about 800 bones. Of course, no such money is in my account right now. Looks like I'll figure out another way to get to work for a bit. I wonder if putting an actual tiger in my tank would be cheaper at this point. Judging from the hillbilly mover from '64, I may have been making even better time but I doubt it would have stopped the breakdown OR help my finances.
What are you listening to tonight?