CNN's Jeffrey Lord Calls Roger Stone The 'Ultimate Patriot'

Why, good Lord, why?

As we already discussed here at C&L, Roger Stone was on ABC's This Week, attempting to defend his communication with the alleged Russian hacker Guccifer 2.0, and his prediction on Twitter that Clinton campaign manager John Podesta would be hacked.

Fredricka Whitfield hosted a panel segment on CNN this Sunday to discuss Stone's appearance on ABC, and lo and behold, who do they bring on there for commentary? None other than Trump apologist, Jeffrey Lord.

This is exactly what former Obama speechwriter Jon Lovett was slamming them for in a segment earlier in the day with Reliable Sources host Brian Stelter. What did Lord contribute to this segment other than his worthless opinion about what a wonderful guy Roger Stone, one of the nastiest right wing ratf**kers going back to the days of Nixon and Lee Atwater, supposedly is?

Democratic strategist Robert Zimmerman was asked to weigh in on Stone's appearance first, and slammed Stone for his past, but even he was too kind to him.

ZIMMERMAN: I have to tell you, if they were filming a movie about dirty tricksters, they would cast Roger Stone in the Joe Pesci role. He's a wannabe. He's a wannabe basically who wears his tattoo of Richard Nixon on his back. I mean the big question of course is, not only is... why is Roger Stone talking to Guccifer in the first place? What is the rationale? How did he know that John Podesta was going to be in trouble? Let's be clear, when Reince Priebus says, as he just did in that clip you showed, that he's perfectly comfortable with Chairman Nunes' Intelligence Committee conducting hearings. Of course he is, because Chairman Nunes is bringing his information down to the White House and showing it to the president. That was clear this week.

WHITFIELD: And he used to be on the transition team.

ZIMMERMAN: That's right. There's trust. Absolutely. But there's not trust for an independent investigation. There's not trust for Chairman Nunes to conduct himself in a professional manner. That's where you've got people like John McCain and Congressman Adam Schiff calling for an independent investigator, and quite frankly, I think we need a special prosecutor.

WHITFIELD: And so Jeffrey, Roger Stone was also saying that, you know, the intel is wrong. Guccifer 2 is not a Russian asset. Is he going into this already disparaging U.S. intelligence? Is that a problem?

LORD: Well, I don't know. The thing is, Roger... I've known Roger Stone for decades and I know he's controversial, but I can tell you one thing Roger is not, and he's not treasonous. That's for sure. He is the ultimate patriot. You can agree or disagree with him, but committing treason is never something that Roger Stone would do, number one. Number two, a bit of news here. I was contacted last night by one of these individuals, Carter Page, who sent me a letter...

WHITFIELD: He's also volunteered to testify.

LORD: Yes. He was asking Congressman Schiff, it's an open letter to Congressman Schiff and Congressman Nunes asking that he be testified, that he testify. He says he's been detained and I have had that published today at, which is the website for The American Spectator. So he is very interested that he wants to be called, as I think Roger Stone is as well, and Paul Manafort. So, it will be very interesting and frankly, I think they ought to really open this wide open. Find out who was doing the leaks here. Let's get all those Obama folks, President Obama himself, let's get everybody in here, John Podesta, who allegedly had ties to Russians. Let's get the whole barrel in there and see what's in it.

Well, I'm so glad he cleared that up, aren't you?

Lovett was exactly right. Segments like this one are why people don't trust cable "news." They don't respect their audience enough to stop putting on serial liars to "spin" everything that happens as good news for Trump and his enablers.

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