Dems Stop Being 'Polite' In The Face Of GOP Policies

Rep Alcee Hastings (D-FL) showed some serious temper this week over Republican plans to take away health insurance from poor people and give rich people a tax cut.

Here is how you make a point in Washington DC.

Rep. Alcee Hastings, a Democrat from Broward County, Florida, showed his temper in a committee discussion over Medicaid cuts mandated in TrumpCare. The bill was pulled from a House vote yesterday.

Rep Greg Walden, an Oregon Republican, was answering questions about the bill. Hastings wanted clarification that billions would be cut from Medicaid in order to provide at tax cut to the richest 400 families in the United States.

It was clear that Hastings was furious about this proposal, and D'Avanzo suggested that "toning it down" would be helpful to the discussion.

Hastings would have none of that.

“I’m mad as hell about what you all are doing! And I don’t have to be nice to nobody when you’re being nasty to poor people.”

Thank you, Representative Hastings. The Republican Party has all too often used "tone-policing" and accused us of being "rude" when we get angry about their war on working Americans.

The Republicans have both houses of Congress and the White House. And we have no time left to make nice with these policies.

This post has been corrected, as Rep Greg Walden was mis-identified in an earlier version.

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