Did You Say Leaks? Seventeen White House Officials Talk To Wapo

The number is a yuuge part of the story, bigly.

The Trump White House is completely out of control.

Not just because Trump's fury is constantly at hand. His staff is clearly not that loyal.

In a highly cited article this morning, The Washington Post covers Trump's angry weekend, in which he rages against everyone against him.

This article cites seventeen, yes, SEVENTEEN, White House officials who spoke on condition of anonymity.

At the center of the turmoil is an impatient president increasingly frustrated by his administration’s inability to erase the impression that his campaign was engaged with Russia, to stem leaks about both national security matters and internal discord and to implement any signature achievements.

This account of the administration’s tumultuous recent days is based on interviews with 17 top White House officials, members of Congress and friends of the president, many of whom requested anonymity to speak candidly.

Gnawing at Trump, according to one of his advisers, is the comparison between his early track record and that of Obama in 2009, when amid the Great Recession he enacted an economic stimulus bill and other big-ticket items.

Also likely to enrage Trump is the photo leading off the Wapo story, a nice image of Trump holding hands with his grandchildren -- and highlighting that he holds his necktie together with Scotch (tm) Tape.

If you've got any extra Scotch Tape, Donald, maybe use it on the lips of the seventeen White House staffers who are talking off the record to Wapo? Too. Damn. Late.

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