Does Trump Need Marco Rubio To Explain Where Budgets Come From?

Marco Rubio tells The Washington Post that Congress budgets come from Congress. But since the message wasn't on Fox and Friends who knows if Trump got it?

"Donald, when a mommy tax-cut and a daddy tax-cut love each other very much..."

Perhaps (no, not perhaps, definitely) because there's a need to distance the Republican Congress from the meanest budget blueprint ever, Marco Rubio told The Washington Post that budgets originate in the Congress, not in The White House.

“The administration’s budget isn’t going to be the budget,” said Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.). “We do the budget here. The administration makes recommendations, but Congress does budgets.”

Isn't that precious? The White House often releases guidelines for the budget they'd like, and Congress uses or rejects those guidelines.

But not a Congressional caucus divided between those terrified they won't be re-elected and those who are so secure in their seats they must double down on the austerity or risk being primaried. And not with an insane tweeter White House that is tanking in the polls and taking health insurance away from 24 to 56 million Americans, depending on who's counting.

Clearly, Rubio wasn't talking to Trump, but rather the permanent beltway ruling class, because he talked to The Washington Post, not to Fox and Friends.

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