'Many People Say' That Trump's Proposals Will NEVER Be Law

Jonathan Alter and Lindsey Graham label Trump's proposals, especially his savage budget cuts to the State Department, dead on arrival.

How wonderful it would be if the sentient beings in Congress, the ones who aren't there to destroy government, can stop President Bannon Trump, from enacting legislation that will punish most Americans and sadly, many other citizens of this planet?

The word awful doesn't begin to describe what these monsters want to do to this country. . That's because everything they are pushing has been contrived by (and this is a very partial list) Heritage, Breitbart, Mercer, Groundswell, Koch, Franklin Graham, Tony Perkins and any other radical lunatic fringe groups who want to pilfer the American people with their evil, hateful greed. Don't forget, we must demonize foreigners, LGBT people, the poor, the elderly, women....you get the point. These people are simply the worst of the worst and they're in power, for now.

Trump's hollow and lie-infested speech to Congress was praised to the hilt by far too many who have not just lowered their standards, they've disposed of all standards and expectations with regards to this 'president.' Jonathan Alter explained on Ari Melber's show that there are safeguards against Trump enacting anything he and his swamp-monster creeps want. We are counting on them!

ALTER: Keep him (Trump) off Twitter? The truth is in the Tweeting. It's a habit that he has. This man doesn't change. One speech, that he reads off the teleprompter, that he obviously didn't write, some of it he seemed like he was reading for the first time, so it doesn't make him new man. Will he go off Twitter? I have my doubts.

He will get a bump in the polls, you always do in these situations. It helps Congressional Republicans. But the proof is also in the pudding and the pudding in this case is the legislation. But he needs 60 votes to break a Democratic filibuster or in some cases he needs 51 votes, but that means even if they lose three Republicans, which they have in issues involved Obamacare and Border Tax. Cutting the State Department, Lindsey Graham said, is "dead on arrival."

Let's hope Lindsey and his Maverick buddy McCain don't do the usual Republican thing and fall in line with the rest of the insidiously treasonous GOP.

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