Michael Flynn Must Sing Like A Canary, Or Hear Cries Of 'Lock Him Up'

AM Joy Panel discusses an illegal foreign plot by none other than "Mr. LockHerUp" himself, Gen. Michael Flynn.

Imagine for a moment that the Hillary Clinton Administration was in power, barring foreign intervention, this isn't a stretch. Let's pretend that there was the slightest suspicion of the very same criminal conduct that has surrounded the Trump regime. Would the media and the GOP be running around with their hair on fire, demanding arrest or, likely, execution? Of COURSE!

But here we are, just over two months into the most bizarrely unqualified and incompetent administration since Caligula named his horse as a Consul, and Trump and his associates have unimaginable baggage: more specifically, many of his cohorts are highly suspect of committing major crimes.

Trump and his criminal partners, far too cozy with Vladimir Putin and his allies, have been accused of some heavy-hitting, career-ending faux pas: kidnapping, RICO violations, money laundering, gross nepotism, treason, aiding and abetting a foreign enemy, hacking, fraud and who knows what else! We haven't even mentioned the Yemeni attack fiasco, as the hits keep on coming too fast to mention the incompetence and willful negligence that would have landed their Democratic counterparts in the slammer. .

Last week's bizarre conduct from House Intelligence Committee co-chair, Devin Nunes has backfired and caused the administration more scrutiny and more suspicion.

REID: When Devin Nunes abruptly canceled the second public hearing in the House's probe into Russia's meddling in the election, Adam Schiff made no bones about what he thought was really going on.

The unflappable Reid revealed a Turkish-American criminal plot involving Trump's former NSA Director, Michael Flynn, who may have already cut a deal with the FBI. Here's a little background.

In December, 2016, Newsweek's Kurt Eichenwald published a detailed article about Trump's affinity for autocratic dictators, a common trait all tyrants seem to share. These grossly suspicious financial alliances are treacherous for all Americans, not just his chain gang.

Already, there is a situation in which the president of the United States could be blackmailed by a foreign power through pressure related to his family’s business entanglements.In 2008, the Trump Organization struck a multimillion-dollar branding deal with the Dogan Group, a large corporation named after its influential family, for a two-tower complex in Istanbul. In 2012, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan presided over the opening ceremonies and met with Trump. But in June of this year, Erdogan called for the Trump name to be removed from the complex because of his anti-Muslim rhetoric; the Turkish president also said presiding over the dedication had been a terrible mistake.

Turkey is incredibly crucial to our military operations in the Middle East and we can't afford to lose that strategic Air Force base. Never fear, Michael Flynn had a 'brilliant' solution to this conundrum; except the legality was the problem. Lock Her Up? Lock Him Up!

REID: The bombshell revelation to the Wall Street Journal, from former CIA Director James Woolsey, the allegation that Michael Flynn brainstormed with Turkish officials on how to seize a Turkish cleric, who is a legal U.S. resident, and send him to Turkey in what Woolsey described as a covert step in the dead of night to whisk this guy away. Wow!

This is a bizarre story where Mike Flynn was essentially going to rendition a green card holding Turkish citizen to Turkey. Is that even legal?

NAYYERA HAQ: (Former State Dept. Spokesman) This is another step of the Trump Administration undermining the rights, not just of immigrants, but of the judicial system. In this op-ed that Flynn wrote in The Hill, right before the election, he mentioned that this -- lambasting this cleric and mentioned that the judicial system should work against him. That's, again, political pressure on the judicial system. It is another step in politicizing our national security.

Oddly enough, the coup in Turkey in July happened on the same day that Trump named Mike Pence as his running mate, perhaps more distraction, we don't know yet.

REID: This is (from) a January, 2017 article, that Michael Flynn met with the foreign minister of Turkey. here's an interesting little nugget that they mentioned. It says House Intelligence Committee Congressman, Devin Nunes, a Republican heavyweight, also attended the breakfast. That's weird. What do you think, Malcolm?

MALCOLM NANCE:.... There was an act of conspiracy by the incoming National Security Advisor and the incoming Chair of the House Intelligence Committee to actually abduct a permanent U.S.resident and rendition him, covertly, to a foreign power while under pay from that foreign power. .That violates U.S. Title 18 Code, Section 1201 for kidnapping. That is a federal felony and will end you up at the federal courthouse in Arlington.

I believe if this is true, this is where Michael Flynn is going to spill the beans. He is going to be brought in on this. They are going to pressure him on that. And he is just going to talk about everything, to get himself out. He is disgraced at this point. If this has the slightest whiff of truth, and Jim Woolsey is a pretty straight-up guy. If that is true, an American citizen planning to abduct another resident of this country, in order to satisfy his foreign paymasters, now goes from espionage to criminal RICO Conspiracy.

Lock Him Up! Lock Him Up!

The panel discusses another recently departed irritant from Trump's inner circle, Boris Epshteyn who has 'charmed us' in the past with his promotion of the Nationalist MAGA slogan, which demonizes immigrants. We must bid adieu to Boris, and Joy explained that he is leaving the White House for reasons unknown at this time.

NAVEED JAMALI: ...Boris was born in Russia. There was a whole host of baggage that came with him. I believe he was arrested for -- he has -- he has a very strong reputation, not a very positive one, as you alluded to. So whatever the truth about Boris, I think what this does is just make the White House look guilty. The fact is that they are going to start, frankly as we saw with Michael Flynn, these people should have never been let in in the first place. They should have done the basic security background vetting.

There are simply way too many coincidences for this spy novel on steroids to lead nowhere. We will likely hear confessions under oath, or egregious lies, or maybe, a combination of the two. Not to mention a coverup.

That whole RNC "lock her up" hate-chant, held under the approving eye of Michael Flynn, is looking utterly pathetic in these lights.

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