More Kleptocracy: Jared Kushner, Trump Son-In-Law, Set To Make $400M Off China Tower Deal

So much for Drain the Swamp...

Donald Trump and his family continue to profit off of the White House. This time it is his son in law, Jared Kushner, who is going to profit to the tune of $400,000,000 from a deal with China. Yes, millions.

Bloomberg reports that a company "owned by the family of Jared Kushner" has worked out a sweet deal with a Chinese company that is planning to invest $400 million in Kushners office, located at 666 Fifth Avenue. Wait, 666? The address of the devil?

Real estate experts have reviewed the terms and have stated that the deal gives shockingly favorable terms for one party in the deal - the Kushners. Interesting, right? Bloomberg reviewed the agreement and states that it would make Kushner partners with Anbang, a company with links to "Chinese power structure" that could pose national security issues. But, who cares about national security issues, right? Not Trump White House. If it means a profit for The Family, that is all that matters.

Does this pose an actual conflict of interest? Is China trying to curry favor with the White House? It would seem so, but a company spokesman swears up and down that Jared has sold his ownership to family members. That solves that, right?

No. Just like Trump's promise that he would never ever talk to his sons about the businesses (ha ha ha) instead of divesting, amirite?

The Kushner spokesman said: “Kushner Companies has taken significant steps to avoid potential conflicts and will continue to do so."

You know, this sounds a lot like Pay for Play, right? But with his father in law in the White House, it's a non-issue. When the wolves are guarding the henhouse, no one cares about rules, laws, impropriety.

Draining the swamp? More like filling it with swamp monsters and hoping no one notices or cares.

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