Olbermann Suspects That Trump Can't Pass A Sanity Test

The insanity is too apparent to deny anymore, let's not kid ourselves.

We are not even guessing anymore. Trump is certifiable and no one seems to put it out there more bluntly than Keith Olbermann.

On this edition of the Resistance, Olbermann recalls the most obvious tweets that would lead any rational person to conclude that there is something pretty off about this guy and more remarkably, the erroneous claims are never corrected. He rattles off a quick list:

  • Obama wiretapped me hoax
  • Blaming the Muslim ban Airport chaos on Delta computer problems;
  • Reportedly bringing his own fanboys with him to applaud during his speech at the CIA
  • The whole inauguration crowd size delusion.
  • The 3 million illegal votes delusion;
  • The 5 million illegal votes delusion.
  • Praying at the National Prayer Breakfast for Arnold Schwarzenegger's ratings.
  • Not knowing Frederick Douglass is dead when he's been dead since 1895.

And what is to me the surest sign of reality disconnect. the craziest thing so far possibly worse than all the other ones combined if you have not seen this yet please sit down surrender eight seconds of your life that you will never get back; and pray there is a God to help us and let Trump fill you in on one of the great secrets of American history about a president named Abraham Lincoln.

He plays the clip of Trump mentioning that he finds it remarkable that most people don't know that Abraham LIncoln was a Republican, even though essentially everyone does know that.

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